  • TRUSTSTAKE Trading Desk trading algorithm
    feels perfect in any market

    Regardless of volatility, bullish and bearish market sentiment,
    TRUSTSTAKE Trading Desk provides uninterrupted profits daily.

    bull and bear chart bull and bear chart

    TRUSTSTAKE Trading Desk principle of operation

    Instrument Date Mother network Closing classifier Profit
    BTC-CHR 21:10 04.06 2024 ENIGMA POLINOMINAL 0.14%
    ETH-STORJ 21:10 04.06 2024 WATCHDOG POLINOMINAL 0.11%
    BTC-ALGO 21:10 04.06 2024 OVERMIND TRIANGULAR CHECK 0.22%
    USDT-CHR 21:10 04.06 2024 OVERMIND POLINOMINAL 0.12%
    USDT-NWC 21:10 04.06 2024 OVERMIND SVC 0.07%
    USDT-CRV 20:40 04.06 2024 WATCHDOG POLINOMINAL 0.11%
    BTC-AST 20:40 04.06 2024 WATCHDOG SVC 0.14%
    USDT-FET 20:40 04.06 2024 OVERMIND TRIANGULAR CHECK 0.44%
    USDT-BAL 20:35 04.06 2024 WATCHDOG SVC 0.09%
    BTC-TFD 20:27 04.06 2024 ENIGMA SVC 0.07%
    USDT-DUCATO 20:27 04.06 2024 OVERMIND POLINOMINAL 0.09%
    BTC-VID 20:27 04.06 2024 WATCHDOG TRIANGULAR CHECK 0.06%
    BTC-RBTC 20:15 04.06 2024 OVERMIND TRIANGULAR CHECK 0.36%
    USDT-REN 20:15 04.06 2024 WATCHDOG TRIANGULAR CHECK 0.14%
    ETH-SNTVT 20:15 04.06 2024 OVERMIND TRIANGULAR CHECK 0.06%
    BTC-WEST 20:15 04.06 2024 ENIGMA TRIANGULAR CHECK 0.19%
    USDT-LMCH 20:15 04.06 2024 WATCHDOG SVC 0.04%
    USDT-ADADOWN 20:15 04.06 2024 OVERMIND SVC 0.44%
    USDT-RSR 20:15 04.06 2024 OVERMIND TRIANGULAR CHECK 1.00%

    TRUSTSTAKE Trading Desk principle of operation

    Artificial intelligence helps our trading algorithm at every stage of the transaction.

    step 1

    Investor pool

    step 2

    Enigma, Overmind and Watchdog networks AI

    step 3

    TRUSTSTAKE Trading Desk terminal

    step 4

    Processing of closing orders using the Polynomial - SVC
    classifier algorithm

    step 5

    Rewarding investors

    Find out more about investments with TRUSTSTAKE

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